TCA Owners Club
4522 W. Village Drive #148
Tampa, FL 33624

Phone (813) 961-7650
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Chesterfield, MO Biannual Meeting

Okay, it’s time to start planning for the September 2025 meeting in Chesterfield, Missouri.

The June and September Newsletters will have the full details for the meeting as well as the application for attendance, and the detail dates and times for the seminars, and presentations  that will be conducted at the meeting.

Mark your calendar now: Wednesday September 17th thru Saturday September 20, 2025.

Where: St. Louis, Missouri in the city of Chesterfield at the facility of Richard and Nadine Koop’s buildings at

600 Spirit Valley East Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63005

Events and Activities: Wednesday September 17: Early arrivals will enjoy an outside cookout just outside the host hotel.

Meetings will start the following day and each day at 8:30.

Here are some of the topics we will be covering and showing you how to fix and other subjects

  • How to repair the pulldown for your top
  • How and where to get the brake system repaired and the typical issues
  • Where to find parts. We will also have an afternoon to swap and sell parts
  • How to repair your odometer/speedometer and why they fail
  • A  presentation on how to care for your interior leather
  • Show you a restored armrest and above the instrument cluster leather and what's involved 
  • A presentation  on what our TC's are worth and what the market is saying
  • A tour of 1 and maybe 2 classic car facilities
  • What are the more common issues we deal with on our TC's
  • A Q&A with topics you would like to know
  • Our Club and what it provides
  • In addition to parts, we will have full TC's for sale at this meet.

Lunches and dinners are planned for each day, so you don't have to worry about this.

Host hotel:       Marriott Townplace Suites

                        748 Premium Way

                        Chesterfield, MO 63005

                        Special rate for our TC group $144.00 plus tax which includes breakfast

                        Use : 'Chrysler TC by Maserati" to book your king or double for this event.

                        Phone: 636-778-5100

                        Cancellations can be made 48 hours prior to arrival

Contact: Richard Koop This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 608-239-2840 for any questions.